"There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall - think of it, always." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, December 04, 2006

* Documenting This Observation

Here is a paragraph I had at the end of my previous post:

"It wouldn't surprise me if one day this individual writes a book, becomes famous, one of those "Ambassadors of Autism" and if that book has this person's selected aspects of me in it and of course 'with this person's name and ownership.' I'll never know, if they do I'll never read it. Being autistic just isn't all that amazing to me, though evidently it sure it to some people (who will apparently do anything just to try to be it).

I have been thinking some more..
Why WOULD someone.. say a mentally capable methodical and articulate sort of person do something like I've described in my pervious post...?
The more I look at what I know of the circumstances the more the following looks like a possibility:

I believe a person may be staging an elaborate (and very well thought out and time -consuming) preparation for future monetary gain -- specifically in the form of a book.

Books by adult autistics sell really well, partially becasue there aren't too many of them and especially in this era of "Cure autism now" and "Defeat autism now" PSA and scare tactics about the 'epidemic of autism."